Thursday, July 7, 2011

A REAL VACATION! Part 6: Fun Stuff

Only one more post about our vacation, and then I'll return to normal life. I promise. We have this weird knack for finding the strange, especially while on vacation. (For more strange finds, refer to my previous vacation posts.)

This is a picture of Canada. (I took the picture because I like Canada.)

The estate where our cottage was located has a small guardhouse at the end of driveway. Inside the guardhouse is this weird, giant nutcracker statue.

On our last day, as we were leaving the island, we passed this guy. He had decorated his car for the 4th of July parade later that day.

In the forest on the estate where we stayed, we ran into ferns the size of Buicks. I made Mr. Chandler stand next to one of them so that you could see how large it was.

This is the ferry that was docked at the terminal as our ferry approached Anacortes. Notice the puffs of smoke coming out of the ferry? Yeah, that's because OUR boat was supposed to be docking there at that time and the ferry in the picture had to hustle out of the way for us!

On the ferry ride, this huge yacht, owned by someone richer than me (obviously), sailed in front of our ferry. This doesn't seem particularly safe to me, but then, yacht owners probably have their own set of rules. (Maritime Rule #24: The captain with the highest gross personal income has the right of way.)

Several years ago, when we vacationed on Orcas Island, we spotted this field of port-a-potties from the highway as we were traveling home. Sadly, we did not get a picture at that time (partly because we didn't own a camera -- but only partly). This time, we got the picture! In fact, we were engaged in an intense conversation about something serious when we spotted them, and I derailed the discussion completely by shouting, "Port-a-potties! Port-a-potties!!!" (Horribly geeky, I know... but how often do you see something like this?)

This is a barn we passed several times on our way to and from the island, and it is notable because it sparked a discussion about barn fractions. In fact, after taking this picture of the half-barn, we saw three quarters of a barn down the road. (No picture, though.)

Finally, this last one is quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. Midway between the northern harbor and the ferry terminal to the south, the road that connects the two ends of Anacortes travels past a shipyard full of old boats and partial boats. The boundaries of the shipyard were marked out with logs and docks and one very large old cargo ship. Upon closer inspection, we discovered that the cargo ship was being used as a gigantic planter with trees and shrubs growing out of it. It's seriously the most amazing planter I've ever seen. I'm afraid it's too big for my yard...

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