Friday, March 18, 2011

I Heart Hannah

My niece Hannah stayed at my house last weekend, along with her parents, of course.

I adore this girl SO MUCH… She is beautiful and hilarious and joyful, and I just love her.

Mr. Chandler and I babysat her on Friday night while her parents went to a wedding, and we had a lovely team eating Cheerios and pointing at things and singing (mostly me) and dancing (mostly her) and laughing (mostly Mr. Chandler). Hannah really likes Mr. Chandler and me, although I have to admit that part of our charm is that we both have extraordinarily curly hair (which she is not used to as her mother does not let her father’s afro reach its natural state). Hannah herself has the most interesting red hair, and I love it! She’s not talking yet, but she is definitely mobile. She crawls like nobody’s business, and she walks if you hold her hands. She’s very insistent when she’s walking, too; she will turn your arms if she wants to go in a different direction.

We went out to breakfast on Saturday, and because it was Hannah’s birthday, the waitress brought her a brownie with ice cream and a lit candle. I have no idea why – the child is barely one year old and does not eat sugar (or anything else, really, but that’s a story for another time). Hannah didn’t really care about the brownie and ice cream, but she was fascinated with the flame (fortunately only from afar). After splitting up for some random shopping, my mom and I met up with Hannah and her parents and her California grandmother for lunch. California Grandma had just flown in for a week-long visit. Hannah, of course, was the happy center of attention, and, to my delight, when it was time for all of them to pile into the van and drive back to Eastern Washington, Hannah wanted to hang out with ME. I adore her, and it appears the feeling might be mutual! Now I just have to figure out when I can see her again...

Here's something else I love: my Kindle. (Thanks to Mr. Chandler for celebrating the end of my grad school class in such a scrumptious and literary way!)

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