Sunday, October 9, 2011

October? Really?

This is nuts. I have no idea what happened to September... Some days I feel like I'm a cross between a detective and an amnesia patient, and I must struggle to put together the pieces of my life from the evidence littering my desk. I'm already down one package of index cards, so there's obviously been some public speaking. I can tell from my gradebook that there have been a lot of writing assignments, and that I obviously taught my kids the reading codes. There are student-created posters on the walls that speak to some geography lessons, as do the stack of surprisingly fabulous student-colored-and-labeled world maps on the back table.

I could cheat and look through my calendar and lesson plan book, but I'd get overwhelmed by all the meetings. Then there are the fire drills (2 so far), the lock-down drill (1 so far), the lock-in that was NOT a drill (1 so far), picture day, assembly day, and 2 early release days that ended with 2-hour staff meetings.

Or I could just look out the window and watch the trees change colors and the sky darken and the rain and wind bluster outside.

Or I could go grade papers and worry about it some other day. I should probably do that.

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