Tuesday, October 26, 2010


(If you understand the title reference, you’re probably a kindred spirit of Mr. Chandler’s… Also, you’re probably not one of my students.)

This is one of the most random things that has ever happened to me. At the end of October, I was with Mr. Chandler and my dear friend Army Girl walking around the picturesque main street of a small town. As we walked along the last block and the daylight waned, we noticed three people jogging toward us. They were dressed as ninjas in black leggings, tunics, sashes, hoods, and partial facemasks. Each ninja carried a substantial branch of bamboo. This group of street ninjas was comprised of a tall young man and two girls, one wearing glasses with red frames. They appeared to be around 20 years old. They jogged up to us and stopped, holding their bamboo in front of their faces and peering at us through the leaves. We stopped and stared at them. They stared at us. Even Army Girl, who normally laughs at everything, paused mid-laugh to stare. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the shortest female ninja said, “Raaahhh…” in a strange part-growl, part-battle-cry sort of noise, and the street ninjas ran off into the night, jumping and yelling and brandishing their bamboo. We watched them run off, and then turned to stare at each other incredulously. Then, of course, we all started laughing… because, really, what else can you do when you’ve been accosted by random street ninjas?

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