Friday, January 22, 2010

Pop Quiz: Which day of the week is most hated by teachers?

My students tell me the answer is Tuesday, but I haven't figured out why. I can't imagine that Tuesday would be any worse than Monday for teachers... except that Tuesday has always been Staff Meeting Day, at least in every school in which I've ever worked.

Bonus Quiz Question: In how many schools has Mrs. Chandler worked? (as a classroom aide, an office aide, a substitute teacher, and a contract teacher)
Answer: 9 (2 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, and 2 high schools)
For 1,000 Imaginary Bonus Points, NAME THEM. (Submit answers to ThisWon'

Tuesday is an interesting but not obvious answer, which means someone somewhere had to have observed an increase in teacher misery on Tuesdays. It's funny to me to think that students have noticed how much we dislike staff meetings. My most hated day of the week usually depends on what's going on that particular week (what meetings I have to attend?). Ah well... today is Friday, and I spent part of every class period listening to seventh graders talk about what books they've been reading. Plus, it's pay day, so...

Answer: not today :)

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